Think solar energy is just for sunny, hot places? Think again! Solar panels can operate at their top performance level and provide clean energy even in colder, winter locations. Solar is a smart choice, regardless of the weather.
Light, Not Heat: Solar panels work with sunlight, not heat. So, they still capture those rays and generate energy even when it’s freezing. Fun fact: cold weather can actually make them more efficient because there’s less resistance, meaning more electricity for you!
The Right Kind of Solar Panel
Choose Wisely: The type of panel you pick matters. Panels designed for cold regions, like Silfab Solar panels, are designed and engineered to withstand the cold and snow, having passed rigorous internal and external testing processes by recognized industry testing labs RETC and Kiwa-PIVEL.
Managing Winter Weather
Shorter Days, No Problem: Winter days are shorter, so your system might produce slightly less electricity. But over the year, averaging in the extra-long days of Summer, the difference is negligible.
Snow Load: Heavy snow puts some stress on solar panels, but Silfab panels are designed to withstand heavy snow pressure (up to 5400 Pascal).
Maintenance: Most installers offer maintenance, even in winter, so you don’t have to worry. If you want to do a bit yourself, use a soft brush to gently remove soft snow. Never try to remove frozen snow or ice as it can damage the panels. Silfab panels have anti-reflective coated glass and scraping it can void your warranty. Just wait for the sun to melt the snow. A little snow can even clean your panels as it slides off! And if you have bifacial panels, the reflective quality of the snow will help melt snow much faster from the face of the panel.
Expert Advice: Before installation, an expert can recommend the best setup for your roof and climate and will adjust the panel angle for the best sunlight capture and easiest snow shedding.
Keep Your Solar System Shining
Winter doesn’t mean a big drop in energy production. With the right maintenance and prevention steps, your solar system can keep performing at its best throughout the coldest months. With Silfab Solar panels, which are designed for North American winters, your rooftop solar won’t let you down while you are trying to warm up.
So, are you ready to harness the power of the sun, even in winter? Call your local solar installer today and request Silfab Solar panels!