Magic Valley Electric

July 23, 2018\Idaho, USA

This unique installation by Magic Valley Electric (formerly Gietzen Solar) utilizes 540 SLG-M 370 Silfab Solar PV panels and was featured in the September issue of Potato Growers Magazine.  Grant 4D Farms were looking for an opportunity to make changes to improve the storability of potatoes and reduce the impact of farming on the community to improve their sustainability footprint. 

Silfab Solar panels installed on the side of Grant 4D Farms by Magic Valley Electric.

Using the footprint of the potato storage building and installing PV modules to produce the electricity, Grant 4D Farms reduced the demand on the community electrical power grid and reduced the costs of production for the farm.

The added benefit for this grower is the marketing buzz generated by saying the potatoes are grown, produced and stored by green energy.